The Vicious Diet Cycle

One of the biggest reasons people fail to achieve lasting weight loss is by going about weight loss on their own. It is estimated that at any given time, two-thirds of all American adults are on a diet to either lose weight or prevent weight gain. Every day, millions begin some form of diet plan only to encounter poor results. They quit that diet and subsequently, as a result of the typical diet and feast response, most will regain the weight lost while some even gain more. Shortly thereafter, the cycle of dieting begins anew. Statistically, only five to ten percent of do-it-yourselfers are successful at keeping the weight off. Even those invested in commercial weight loss programs, like Atkins or Weight Watchers, historically experience a 40-50 percent failure rate in the first year. The reasons for failure are varied. Commonly, when trying to lose weight, individuals normally cut down on everything and in the process lose lean muscle mass, which is vital for burning calories and for sustaining long-term weight loss. The body moves to starvation mode further slowing metabolic rate. Individuals who have been on the diet cycle begin to feel their chances for leading a healthier, more active life end when the various diet and exercise programs fail to result in lasting and successful weight loss. If you are trying to lose weight, do not give up, your health is too important. Sustainable weight loss is extremely difficult to achieve with the vicious cycle of dieting, but with a comprehensive weight management process, sustainable weight loss can occur. Weight loss is not a diet, but a process, a life changing process that encompasses the physical, nutritional and psychological aspects of being overweight. With a medically supervised, multidisciplinary approach to weight loss, individuals can and do achieve long-term success. We are invested in your success. We know the health benefits of weight loss are achievable through a prescription of exercise, dietary adjustments, behavioral treatments that motivate therapeutic lifestyle changes, professional education and, if necessary, surgery. Our dietitians work with you to develop personalized nutrition goals and meal plans using real foods that you enjoy. Our physical therapist helps with exercise planning that fits your life and our psychologist addresses the psychological, emotion and life issues affecting weight.