Volunteer Medical and Health History - College

Diseases, Vaccinations or Antibodies Section

Please check the box(es) that describe the diseases, vaccinations, or antibodies titer you have had. When indicated, include the date of vaccination or titer completion.

* Accurate information is very important; all information is confidential.

If NO - The Employee Health Nurse will drawn a titer (antibody titer is a laboratory test that measures the level of antibodies in a blood sample) at the time of your appointment. If YES, please bring a copy of your vaccination records to your appointment.

Please email us your most recent immunization record.

In order to ensure the most secure process for handling your personal information, your Immunization Record should be emailed to Wendy.andersen@portmed.org. Please use a Subject line like: "Volunteer Attachment: {Your Name}". You can start the email by clicking here.

If you are pregnant and have any questions or concerns regarding fetal protections, please contact the Employee Health Coordinator. You are also encouraged to discuss the type of work you are doing in the hospital with your health care provider.

I understand that a misrepresentation or omission of fact may be cause for the withdrawal of my conditional offer of employment or the termination of my employment regardless of when the misrepresentation or omission is discovered. I further understand information contained in this form is confidential. The information is needed by Employee Health to address health and safety concerns and provide employees with necessary information.