Accredited Health Care

Portneuf Medical Center maintains accreditation from DNV GL Healthcare, which supports our dedication in delivering World Class Care, Every patient, Every time. If your concerns cannot be resolved by the hospital, you have the right to contact DNV GL Healthcare directly. Patient safety event reports can be submitted anonymously and confidentially; however, those who provide their name and contact information allow DNV GL Healthcare to contact them if necessary and to confirm how the report is handled. Reports of patient safety events to DNV GL Healthcare must include the health care organization’s name, street address, city and state.
How to report patient safety concerns:
Toll free: 866-496-9647
Mailing Address:
400 Techne Center Dr. Suite 100
Milford, OH 45150
Complaints Website:
Patients may also contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Bureau of Facility Standards at 208-334-6626 or PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0036. For more information visit
We are committed to the highest quality of care, and we can prove it! As a world-leading certification body with objectives to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV GL Healthcare is committed to supporting the development and continual improvement of healthcare quality and patient safety in healthcare organizations. Our partnership with DNV GL Healthcare allows our organization to focus on what really matters; our patients, our community, and you.
PMC is also accredited and recognized by leading clinical organizations, including:
Chest Pain – American College of Cardiology or ACC Accreditation Services ACC drives protocol and evidence-based process improvement through Accreditation for facilities and through education for healthcare professionals focused on cardiovascular care.
Endoscopy ASC – Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare AAAHC is the leader in ambulatory health care accreditation with more than 6,100 organizations accredited and advocates for the provision of high quality health care through the development and adoption of nationally-recognized standards. Having the AAAHC Certificate of Accreditation demonstrates the commitment of Portneuf’s Endoscopy Center to provide safe, high quality services to its patients.
Hyperbarics – Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society The UHMS clinical hyperbaric medicine facility accreditation program recognizes hyperbaric facilities that demonstrate their commitment to patient care and facility safety.
Laboratory – College of American Pathologists CAP Laboratory Accreditation helps validate that laboratories maintain accuracy of test results, meet required standards for quality and safety, manage rapidly evolving changes in laboratory medicine and technology, and provide opportunities for sharing best practices.
STS National Database Participant – The Society of Thoracic Surgeons The STS National Database is an initiative for quality improvement and patient safety, with the corollary potential to be a powerful tool for clinical research. It is considered the gold standard for specialty outcomes databases. By participating in the STS Adult Cardiac Surgery, General Thoracic Surgery, and/or Congenital Heart Surgery Databases, PMC’s cardiothoracic surgeons are committing to improving the quality of care that their patients receive.
Trauma – Level II – American College of Surgeons The designation of trauma facilities is a geopolitical process by which empowered entities, government or otherwise, are authorized to designate. The ACS does not designate trauma centers; instead, it verifies the presence of the resources listed in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient.
- PMC’s Hyperbaric Center received national accreditation in 2016
- Portneuf Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center Excellence Award
- Portneuf Medical Center received CMS 5 star in 2020