Supporting Your Journey

Support Groups

simple wooden bridge showing the start of a journey

Coping with a cancer diagnosis is difficult for patients, friends and family members. Emotional support can be critical to managing the process. Portneuf provides different support groups to help those directly and indirectly affected. If you are interested in learning more about our cancer support services, contact our social worker, Robb, at 208-239-1754.

H.O.P.E (Helping Other People Endure) For anyone who has had their life effected by cancer. Mondays 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Portneuf Cancer Center.

"Our group is made up of many different people, of different ages, and with many different types of cancer. Some of us have completed treatment years ago, while others of us are just beginning. Some of us jumped at the opportunity to join a group, some of us had to be prodded to come to just one session. It only took one though, and we all found H.O.P.E. Many of us now believe that group is just as vital to a successful treatment regimen as making a daily radiation therapy or having your next chemotherapy treatment."

The group is unique in that they all share a common bond not understood by those without a cancer diagnosis. They consider themselves similar to a family who can laugh together, share with each other, and grow alongside one another through this experience. Each individual contributes to the healing of each other and everyone has something to gain. the group is also a safe haven for others affected by a cancer diagnosis: your family and friends.

We invite you to feel the same encouragement, strength, and support that we all do when we meet together. Give it a try just once and you’ll see what we are talking about.

Caregivers & Co-Survivors On the second Monday of each month from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, there is a meeting for caregivers and cancer co-survivors to support those who have a loved one dealing with cancer.