
January 17, 2024

Relief from Epicondylitis: Theresa's Journey with Shockwave Therapy

Theresa Dickerson, a 68-year-old former ultrasonographer and X-ray tech, found solace from chronic epicondylitis in an unexpected solution offered by...

November 14, 2023

Carpal tunnel surgery returns strength, sensitivity to hunter’s hands

Camouflaged from head to toe, the hunter steps quietly around the lodgepole pines and fir trees, slowly approaching a large bull elk 30 yards ahead...

Diabetes doesn’t slow down multi-sport ten-year-old

November 10, 2023

Diabetes doesn’t slow down multi-sport ten-year-old

When you look at Presley Wolfe today, an active ten-year-old who lives in Pocatello with her mom, dad and five siblings, you see the same smiling...

Interview with a survivor of breast cancer

October 27, 2023

Popcorn and Breast Cancer

Christine K. is a 55-year-old single mom living in Pocatello. She is a corporate materials analyst for a manufacturing company. Her breast cancer...

Medical care for stroke victim extends to entire family

August 8, 2023

Medical care for stroke victim extends to entire family

Linda Muhl, brother of Andy Nation: “Late one night the phone rang with a call from an ER doctor, informing me that Andy (shown in the above photo...

Knee injections help former teacher to keep moving forward

August 8, 2023

Knee injections help former teacher to keep moving forward

Patricia Feuerborn, 73, is not used to being “on the sidelines” when it comes to exercise and physical activities. The Pocatello resident has long...

June 1, 2023

100 Deadliest Days

As the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day weekend calls for enjoying the outdoors after a long winter. Summertime barbecues, camping trips, and...

March 28, 2023

Family Urges Colon Cancer Screening

The following was written by McKenna Jones, Micaela's daughter:  Micaela was a hard-working, bright-spirited, and incredible mother, daughter,...

March 24, 2023

Patient plans for journey ahead with regular cancer checkups

If you’ve ever gone side-by-side camping with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), you know that the goal is to get to a beautiful destination to set up...

March 10, 2023

Friend's untimely death prompts couples' first colonoscopies

Pocatello residents Wendy and Justin Higbee, both 48, received what is often called a healthcare teachable moment when their dear friend, Nico Beebe...